Sunday, July 26, 2009

Morning girls

Tools I have ----

Cuttlebug and plates
lots of punches like threading water, effervecence, lots of corner punches
lots of stamps
lots of ink
lots of ribbon
all the usual stuff

also, Trev and I are gonna do a big grocery shop on Thurs. Any spec requests? We thought this might be easier than doing it together on Fri. Do you mind if we do that and just divvie up the $$?
Lazy tea Fri night dips and stuff
Bacon & Eggs sat morn...... sushi for lunch sat ..... roast pork on the webber with veg sat night..
toast sunday morn????

lots of choc, chip, shit food in between


After the LSS on fri we will stop at fupermarket just so you girls can buy your drinks but we will do the rest.
what do ya think?

[[email coming]]]

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